10 Signs That Your Marriage is in Trouble– A checklist
Posted: August 18, 2023
- You have stopped spending time together- you only spend free time together when it is necessary.
- You feel contempt for your spouse- Contempt is a feeling of extreme disgust or moral superiority for another person
- You or your spouse is hiding money- either hidden accounts or spending money without informing the other.
- You feel negative vibes or stressed anytime you are with your spouse- your time spent together leaves you sad, angry or depleted emotionally
- You’ve stopped arguing- a sign that one or both of you has given up because the fights never resolve any issues.
- You cannot have a conversation without it turning negative- regular bickering, disrespect, name calling or use of sarcasm is common.
- You’ve stopped having sex- sometimes you even begin sleeping in separate rooms
- You live as roommates- you feel like you might as well be single.
- Your social circle no longer includes your spouse- you are happier when you are out with friends and your spouse is not with you.
- You no longer trust your spouse- they have given you reason to believe that they do not have your best interest at heart.
If you checked ANY of these boxes, even just one, it’s time to get help! Your marriage can be saved. Not only can it be saved but we can help you achieve the marriage of your dreams. A happy, fulfilling and healthy marriage is 100% possible! Don’t put it off any longer. Call today (904) 885-0215