Speak Love To Each Enneagram Type
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years you’ve probably at least heard of The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. So, in case you are just now peeking out from under your rock here’s the general idea of love languages. We each attempt show love to others in the way that we are comfortable receiving love from others. For example, if I feel the most loved when someone speaks kindly to me or gives me a compliment then my natural inclination is going to be to express love to someone else by using kind words and praises. Here’s the rub; Not everyone feels loved when praised or complimented. As a matter of fact, some people feel self- conscious or awkward when people sing their praises. If I want to convey love to someone I MUST learn what “language” that person speaks and use it to get my message across. In the same way, each ENNEAGRAM TYPE receives love differently than the other. What says “I LOVE YOU” to a type 3 is going to be very different than what a type 5 needs to hear or see to feel cherished or valued.
Here’s the challenge for you during the month of February:
Learn your own enneagram type - (I can help you with that if you don’t know where to start)
Learn the Enneagram Types of those that you love
Intentionally speak/show them love in their own language.
Here are some suggestions to help you say “I LOVE YOU” in the “language” that each Enneagram Type craves. These tips (and maybe a little chocolate) will make anyone in your life feel cherished and special. XOXO