The PERFECT Gift to Give This Year!

Do you find yourself struggling each year to find that perfect gift? Do you have a spouse that “has everything” or maybe you just find it hard to shop for him or her. This is one of the struggles during this season of the year that has become so synonymous with gift giving. I don’t know about you, but I have caught myself thinking that I had to outdo or just do better or bigger than I did last year. Well, I am going to help you out with that challenge right there! 

We have boiled Christmas down to how well I do at getting the perfect gift, or even how I am perceived as the gift giver. Let me challenge your thinking on that idea. This year I am not telling you to NOT purchase your spouse or significant other a gift —I will deny it if you don’t buy a gift and then blame me. I am saying to you that you can do better with the emphasis this year. Sure buy a gift, but the PERFECT gift should be your presence NOT the presents. Be sure to give your significant other that undivided focused attention. Give an extra measure of grace during the particularly stressful times where the logistics seem that they will never work out (juggling schedules, managing family engagements, holiday shopping etc). As you respond to one another with humility and goodwill you will enjoy a much more peaceful Christmas, and will likely enjoy one another so much more. Peace, that is what Christmas is really about. 

Hopefully you will have a home filled with peace during this Christmas season. If we can help you or a friend to discover the way to have more peace in life and in relationships, give us a call.